American Governance TodayBoth systems concurrently exist today. However, the corporate system has been gaining predominance in the last 70 years. Many Sovereigns (We the people) have contracted with the corporate system unknowingly, unintentionally, and or without full disclosure given.
Once you learn the difference, you may have to make a decision for yourself, family, and posterity. That decision may require changes in how you conduct yourself. You will have to undo what has been done to make your Sovereign status known. This is not taught in the corporate government's public school system, because you are not to know. The elite of the "One World government" corporate system want and need to have power and control over the population (masses) they call "Human Resources." |
We are in transition and a point of continue towards the eventual rule of oligarchy; or, retreat to the Republic envisioned and provided for by our Founding Fathers.