Step 1 After becoming a RAD member and receiving a Free Trial of Debt Reduction 2.0, members begin by inputting their debts and income into the online liability optimization calculator.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Proprietary software aggregates all client liabilities and assets, which are then organized and sourced...” Change to: delete “RAD”; delete comma before stored, delete “stored”. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A Proactive Solution to the Debt and Savings Crises.
Change to: “THE BUSINESS CASE” ----------------------------------------------------------
RAD starts new members with a free download of Debt reduction Replace: “download” with “trial” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No matter how big or small your fortune, or your debt, now there is a proven way to pay down debt and increase your savings. All within your current income*. Add centered below lastline: “(*assumes positive cash flow)”
Step 1 After becoming a RAD member and receiving a free download of Debt Reduction 2.0, members begin by inputting their debts and income into the online liability optimization calculator.
Replace “download” with “trial” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The free web-based application created by The RAD Family Office,aggregates all debt liabilities and assets to provide an instant analysis thatsnowballs debt reduction and builds wealth without increasing your current monthly payment.
Change to: “The free web-based application aggregates all debt liabilities and assets to provide an instant report that snowballs debt reduction and build wealth without increasing your current monthly payment”
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A seven page report is generated, providing RAD members with a thorough analysis that reflects their potential accelerated speed to debt freedom and increased savings through this automated process.
Change: “analysis” to “review” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAMILY OFFICE SERVICES (Tab header)Financial Planning & Debt Liability Management Financial manager selection and monitoring.... Change tab header to: “TYPICAL FAMILY OFFICE SERVICES”------------------------------------------------------ 180 Million Americans receive a paycheck andhave no personal financial management system
Change to: “180 Million Americans receive a paycheck and most have no personal financial management system”