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Old Brain Pic
Re-Write Your Source Code
Upgrade your software from 3D.0 to 5D.0
This is what you're made of
This is what reality is made of
This is everything you want
And, everything tyou don't want
Before it becomes the house...
Before it becomes the car
And, the life you want...
Within this sub-atomic particle exists ALL of your fantasies, dreams and desires...
Warm Up
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From Clay to Cup
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But...everything you don't want
Unconditional Love
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True Freedom
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The good news is... There’s actually a way to literally hypnotize your brain to ONLY focus on what you really want.. While also ERASING years of negative, limiting thinking... almost instantly. Even better, you’re about to discover why this simple pair of headphones will become your most treasured possession...
Capable of helping you automatically turn thatsub-atomic particleinto the life of your dreams. When everything else, including the Law of Attraction, meditation and visualization have failed. If it sounds too good to be true, it’s not. Imagine, no more struggling. No more making decisions out of fear. No more feeling like you don’t belong here in this body, on this planet.
Are you ready to HAVE everything you’ve ever dreamed and fantasized about, but never really BELIEVED you could achieve?
Now, what if... Someone can reprogram your brain toautomatically haveUNLIMITED wealth, happiness, pleasure, love, freedom and confidence… Would you want it?
Capable of “learning” new things… Without YOU, the person, ever having to “learn” anything.
Because… It’s not your “conscious mind” that’s manifesting what you are and have. It’s a part of your brain that most people will never directly access, no matter how much they “learn” in school, seminars or books. But there’s actually a way to easily and directly access this part of your brain, where you automatically create your reality… and instantly change it.
Greg Johnson
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