Within each of us there is a driving force, an inner need to be charitable and sharing. We also have a desire for hands-on influence over the actual charitable use for our personal resources.
The primary motivation and purpose of any private charity is really the accomplishment of the charitable passion of an individual. There are no good reasons even suggesting a wealthy individual should be prohibited from effectively managing a private charity. Rather, for the most part wealthy individuals should be given the reigns of a private charity, because they have the resources to actually get the job done.
The goal is to attain a compassionate life of balance and harmony, where an individual enjoys the pleasures of meaningful and fulfilled living. A truly significant life is a life of compassion.
Consider Your Opportunity to Become Significant. We provide a new perspective and execution of your personal social dollars — those dollars you share with others through your taxes and charity. Within each of us there is a driving force, an inner need to be charitable and sharing. We also have a desire for hands-on influence over the actual charitable use of our personal resources.
We believe that 'significance' is not about saving, avoiding or even minimizing taxes or even increasing your charitable donations. Significance is about you taking responsibility and complete unfettered control over your social dollars through your own personal charity...the opportunity to harmonize your estate planning and asset protection into one comprehensive expression, where you have the satisfaction of day-to-day control and safety.
Individuals and families represent exceptional wealth (not just money) and are in a position to benefit mankind. They are proactively extending their legacy by making contributions towards organizations that incorporate their value and beliefs. While independent and family foundations represent almost nine out of 10 foundations, Family Office Benefits advocates and provides a more simple and practical structure that closely emulates the early philanthropic foundations prior to 1969.
We can provide families more freedom and control to express their own vision of charity and to experience their own charitable passion. There are no good reasons for suggesting a wealthy individual be prohibited from effectively managing a private charity. Rather, for the most part, you should be given the reigns of a private charity, because you have the resources to actually get the job done. While there are rules that must be observed, they are nothing like the compliance issues associated with the private foundation or limitations of a donor-advised fund. Inspired Life's charitable investment trust very effectively replaces the private foundation with the additional capability of actually being a fully operational charity. Without a charitable investment trust you and your advisors would face a host of totally separate, but legally entwined challenges – estate planning, legacy building, asset protection, wealth building, tax savings and social investing – each with its own mutually exclusive demands, legal mine fields, time frames and advisors.
Here at Family Office Benefits we demystify and simplify the process within a few simple declarative sentences in the IRS Tax Code, 501(c)(3). Further, we can help clients to reap otherwise unavailable benefits by blending their private charity with their commercial or business entities.
We help you take personal responsibility in defining and self-directing your own personal charitable giving. We believe that charity is more than giving to a church, university, medical research or charity.
In the spirit of America's early philanthropic foundations, we facilitate lifestyle decisions that blend your personal estate and business resources into a charitable platform to give you more choice and control in achieving your goals of wealth creation and lasting legacy.
Download PDF: "Moving From Success to Significance"
Download PDF: "Your Private Charity"
Download PDF: "Is a Private Charity Right for You"