"Expanding & Protecting The Light of Consciousness & The Love of Humanity"
STEP #4: Create INITIATIVE Statements (Ex.1-3)
• INSERT THE ACRONYM OF YOUR TRUST to research, fund, develop/ Partner with leading national and international scientists in the field of DNA repair, frequency, replication, and quantum light technologies for healing and aesthetic enhancement and longevity.
• INSERT THE ACRONYM OF YOUR TRUST to research, fund, develop/partner with Aerospace and space force engineering development, finding revolutionary breakthroughs in space advancements and developments, propulsion, energy, communications, as well as travel.
• INSERT THE ACRONYM OF YOUR TRUST to research, fund, develop/partner with national and international
scientific leaders in the accelerated restoration and filtration cleanup of the planet's oceans and largest bodies of water dash. This project would remove biohazards like plastics, toxic practices that dump waste, and will restore the ocean back to pristine nature so ocean life can live and flourish.
This information is from sources deemed reliable No guarantee or a as to tes accuracy 2023 XRPLond & MMR May be duplicated or used in any form wit express written permeson
STEP #4: Create INITIATIVE Statements (Ex. 4-5)
• INSERT THE ACRONYM OF YOUR TRUST to research, fund, develop/partner with leaders in advanced quantum technologies to assist in healing and repairing those who have been affected by Post Traumatic Stress, veterans, trafficked individuals, people recovering from any kind of acute medical crisis.
• INSERT THE ACRONYM OF YOUR TRUST to research, fund, develop/partner with leaders working in next generation communication and signal security technologies, this multi-generational project, will advance communication and its security for the future benefit of communities, national and international, and will educate citizens through the knowledge and historical understanding of a humanitarian existence for the betterment of a more advanced people and secure environment.